
Ways in which students fund living and study costs

While you are at university you will have to consider both living and study costs. Study costs will include books, printing, internet, placement costs and living expenses such as accommodation, travel, socialising and childcare (if applicable).

Student Loan

Eligible full-time Scottish-domiciled students can apply for a loan to help cover living costs. Detailed guidelines are available from SAAS. The amount of loan you can get depends on your age and you and your parents’ or partner's income. You will not have to start repaying your loan until the April after you have left university and you are earning more than £31,395 a year.

Young Students’ Bursary (YSB)

This is a non-repayable grant which can help students under 25 years old whose parents have a low income. You can use this bursary to help with living costs while you study. Check the SAAS website for more information.

Independent Students’ Bursary (ISB)

This is a non-repayable grant which can help students who are ‘independent’, for example, if you are 25, or married/in a civil partnership/living with a partner, or have a child dependent on you before the start of your course.  You can use this bursary to help with living costs while you study. Check the SAAS website for more information.

Care Experienced Bursary

If you are undertaking an eligible undergraduate course and have been in the care of a local authority, you will be eligible to apply for a bursary of £9,000. If you receive the Care Experienced Bursary, you will not be eligible to apply for a student loan. Check the SAAS website for more information.

Paramedic Student Bursary

This is a new bursary available from Academic Year 2021 of £10,000 for students studying Paramedic Science. If you receive the Paramedic Student Bursary you will not be eligible to apply for a student loan. Check the SAAS website for more information.

Additional grants

Depending on your personal circumstances you may be able to apply for additional grants:

  • Lone Parents’ Grant (income-assessed)
  • Dependants’ Grant for adult dependants (income-assessed)
  • Care Experienced Summer Accommodation Grant
  • Disabled Students Allowance

These grants should be applied for through SAAS.

Discretionary Fund

This fund is available to help with study and living costs if you are struggling financially. There are certain eligibility criteria that need to be met in order to apply.

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Funds are available for Home students to help towards registered childcare costs during term time. These costs may include a nursery, child minder or after school care.

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Disabled students allowance

DSA is extra help for students who have a disability, a mental health condition, or specific learning difficulty, like dyslexia or dyspraxia.

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Managing your money

We have a lot of advice and tips that can help you to manage your money better.

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Other sources of funding

This page provides links and useful information on various sources of funding that students can apply to for help with tuition fees (if you are self-funding) or general study and living costs.

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Struggling for money

This is a difficult time and we know many of you are struggling with finances. Information is available on how GCU can help. you, If you are struggling financially and are unsure what to do.

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