Funding for nursing and paramedic students
Scottish Nursing students are funded through the Paramedic, Nursing and Midwifery Student Bursary Scheme (PNMSB) which is administered by the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS). All Home students should apply online to SAAS for tuition fee and living cost support for your course. We recommend that you apply for your tuition fee and living cost support well before the start of your course. You complete one application form for your tuition fees, NHS bursary and supplementary grants. Remember to apply each year of your course.
New English, Welsh and Northern Ireland students (RUK) studying Nursing or Paramedic Science in Scotland should apply to their own Local Education Authority for the full package of tuition fee and living cost support. Continuing RUK students will remain under their existing support package.
Other allowances
Depending on your personal circumstances, you may be able to apply for additional allowances:
- Dependants’ Allowance
- Single Parents’ Allowance
- Childcare Allowance for Parents
- Disabled Students Allowance
These grants should be applied for through SAAS.
Discretionary Fund
This fund is available to help with study and living costs if you are struggling financially. There are certain eligibility criteria that need to be met in order to apply.
Learn moreManaging your money
We have a lot of advice and tips that can help you to manage your money better.
Learn moreOther sources of funding
This page provides links and useful information on various sources of funding that students can apply to for help with tuition fees (if you are self-funding) or general study and living costs.
Learn moreReturn to practice programme
For nurses returning to Health Visiting, part 3 of the NMC register, a number of fully funded places are available.
For nurses returning to adult, child, mental health and learning disability field of practice and midwives, Glasgow Caledonian University are delighted to announce that the Scottish Government, NHS Education for Scotland (NES), are providing the opportunity for all former nurses and midwives to apply to have their university programme fees fully funded. More information on FAQs available.
Nursing & Paramedic Discretionary Fund – Undergraduate nursing students can apply to the Nursing Discretionary fund for extra help towards study and living costs. Please note these funds are limited and you must have taken out full SAAS/LEA funding in order to apply.
Previous study - Even if you have already received funding for a previous (non nursing) course of higher education, you may still be eligible for full support to study an undergraduate nursing course. Check with SAAS for further information.