Liberation groups
Liberation Groups within the Students’ Association represent the views of LGBT+ students, BME students, women students and disabled students at GCU.
Involvement in these activities provides the opportunity to develop the following Common Good attributes:
- Active and global citizenship
- Confidence
- Responsible leadership
What’s involved?
Liberation groups within the Students’ Association represent the views of LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans) students, BME (black or minority ethnic) students, women students and disabled students at GCU.
The students' views are represented by campaigns run by the liberation groups and through Student Voice, the Students’ Association’s main democratic decision body.
Students interested in joining a liberation group can participate in any group meetings, events or campaigns that the group runs.
How will participating in this activity/opportunity allow students to make a positive difference in the communities that we serve?
By participating in our liberation groups, students are able to raise the issues that the students have within GCU and nationally. There will be opportunities to work alongside liberation groups from other universities and colleges throughout Glasgow and Scotland to ensure that the communities become stronger.
What are the benefits of taking part in this activity/opportunity for participating students?
Students who join our liberation groups will have the opportunity to meet other students who self-define to the same group as them, therefore expanding their friendship circles beyond their coursemates.
They will be able to raise awareness of the issues and concerns of their liberation group to increase understanding and support within the GCU community and beyond.
Participating students will also have the opportunity to attend NUS Scotland and NUS UK Liberation Conferences and help shape the liberation movement locally and nationally.