Student guide to giving feedback

Your feedback helps us shape and improve the current and future experiences of students at Glasgow Caledonian University. You will have the opportunity to provide regular feedback on your academic and student experience via various channels, including:

  • Class/Academic representatives
  • Student Partnership Forums
  • Pause for Reflection and Feedback Week
  • Student surveys (such as New2GCU, or the National Student Survey)

In student surveys, you may be asked to provide written comments about your experiences. This resource provides tips and guidance for students on how to provide meaningful written comments.

We hope you find this short guide helpful. The tips provided will help you throughout your Glasgow Caledonian career and beyond, not just in online surveys, but also when participating in online forums, professional conversations and meetings with other learners or colleagues, either online or in person.

Further information:

For further information about student surveys at Glasgow Caledonian, please visit our student survey webpages.

For any questions, please contact: