
Our showers and changing facilities are perfect for those who wish to freshen up before or after studying or work.

The female shower area comprises of individual cubicles, whilst the male shower area comprises of an open shower area plus individual cubicles. Each changing room contains an electric drying cabinet and the male changing room has padlock lockers for use (though no overnight use is permitted).

There's also two separate disabled person rooms, one to the right of the male changing room entrance and one to the left of the female changing room entrance, which contain toilet, handwashing and shower facilities.

Shower-only entry

£1 for a one-off entry, payable at the ARC reception desk.

Shower-only membership

£5 membership for one month is available from the ARC reception desk or online.

Please note that this membership only allows access to showers, changing rooms and toilets – use of the gym or a timetabled class will cost £4.50. Use of showers, changing rooms and toilets are also included in all of our other memberships.

If purchased at the ARC reception desk, the membership will not automatically renew each month. If purchased online, the membership will automatically renew each month until cancelled - see our cancellation information.

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