GCU hosts Engineering Visions Summer School for the first time

Engineering Visions
GCU welcomed universities from around the world as part of the Engineering Visions programme

GCU recently welcomed students from universities across the world for the annual Engineering Visions Summer School, which was hosted in Glasgow for the first time.

Students were invited to brainstorm ideas about how to create a more innovative world using the power of engineering, as part of a two-week long summer school.

Working alongside eight industry sponsors such as Spaceport, BJSS and SP Energy, students worked in teams to develop a concept based around a real life project. At the end of the two-week programme, the teams were invited to present their ideas and submit a final report.

At the start of the programme, student Aymeric Jeanjaquet spoke of his excitement to work on a project around a subject he wasn’t familiar with. He said: “I’m from Switzerland and I’m very grateful to be here. I’m excited to meet new and interesting people, who all study different areas and I’m also looking forward to the chance to work with them on a project. The project subject itself is something I haven’t engaged with before, so it will be good to learn about it.

We just got introduced to our group and our industry link is with a space company and we have been set with the task of developing a launch pad in the North of Scotland. We have to evaluate the environmental issues and how the launch pad will affect it. We also have to look at how we can better improve the environmental impact, looking at things like fuel, transportation, etc.”

Whilst working hard on their reports, students also had the opportunity to do some sightseeing whilst staying in Scotland.

Student Emile Degro had a great first impression of Scotland, commenting on Glasgow’s historic architecture. He said: “We arrived here by plane (Frankfurt to Glasgow) and got an Uber to our accommodation. As soon as we arrived, we dropped off our cases and went into the city. It was beautiful! There are so many old buildings and the streets looked like they were in New York. Despite being a Sunday, the streets were so busy and many places were open for us to try different things.

While we are here, we’re hoping to visit the Highlands and Edinburgh – basically lots of nice, cinematic looking areas!”

At the end of the two weeks, the students spoke of how beneficial the experience was – both in relation their studies and cultural perceptions.

Student Aleksandra Dabrowska, who took part in the programme for the second time, learned a lot from her project and hopes to take that knowledge further. She said: “I took part in the programme last year, which saw us travel to Switzerland. I really enjoyed it and it made me want to take part again.

My project involved a subject that I was totally unfamiliar with, I don’t often work with IT so I had to learn the basics. I feel like my knowledge is sufficient now, but it’s still such a complex topic. It’s still really useful to know and I’ll be able to use that knowledge in the future.”

Student Adam Jezynski spoke highly of his time in Glasgow and has enjoyed getting the opportunity to work with diverse groups. He said: “I have really enjoyed the last two weeks. Not only in terms of the project, but the cultural exchange as well.

We had the chance to work with diverse people from around Europe and it was the perfect opportunity to make new friends – hopefully for years to come! Getting the chance to learn about others, their cultures and their experiences, has all been invaluable.”

He added: “The whole experience will affect me in a positive way. It has opened a gate for me to visit other countries, especially now that I have made friends from around the world. It’s all about the social skills; the experience has equipped me with the skills to communicate with diverse groups. Combining social skills with technical skills is so important.

I would definitely recommend for people to take part in the Engineering Visions programme. I already know of people back home who have been curious about what I’ve been doing on the programme, so I’ll be definitely giving them some good reviews when I return.”

By Rachael McAlonan

Got a SCEBE or GSBS story? Email me at Rachael.McAlonan@gcu.ac.uk or connect with me on social media  here