GCU Learn

GCU Learn is the University’s online learning platform. All the information that you need about your programme is on GCU Learn: module handbooks, reading lists, lecture notes, seminar tasks and assessment briefs. Lecturers post announcements on GCU Learn and you can expect to get regular emails with updates on your module activities. It is therefore very important that you know how to use GCU Learn and that you check your GCU email regularly for updates.

Get prepared

Resources under the ‘get prepared’ heading should help you to get started with your learning. 

Navigating GCU Learn

On logging into GCU Learn you are directed to the Dashboard where you can navigate to your modules online courses, view any new changes or upcoming due dates, access available marks, feedback and more.
This video provides an introduction to the GCU Learn Dashboard:

GCU Learn Courses are generally the online presence of your taught modules, though your Programme may also have its own GCU Learn Course. Within Courses you will find resources and activities to supplement the face to face delivery of your modules; areas to submit your module assessments; and be able to view any available marks and feedback.

This video provides an introduction to GCU Learn Courses and how to navigate them:

Get engaged and get going

Resources under the ‘get engaged and get going’ heading should help you to engage with and make the most of your learning as you progress through your learning experience.

The University uses remote conferencing software to create an online learning environment.

Collaborate Ultra is currently the most widely used remote conferencing software for lectures and seminars and is embedded in the GCU Learn menu. The video below, will show you how to navigate GCU Learn – please take some time to familiarise yourself with it.

Collaborate ultra

An introduction to our online classroom


Turnitin is a GCU Learn tool which may be used for the submission of assessments which are primarily text based such as essays, reports and dissertations.

When a submission is made to Turnitin, it is referenced against Turnitin's repository of publications, online content and other student submissions. Turnitin will then produce a "Similarity Report", which highlights where content of your submission matches with sources in its repository.

Turnitin is used by tutors to ensure the academic integrity of submissions made to assessments, though students can also use Similarity Reports to develop their academic writing and referencing skills (please note assignment settings determine student access to Similarity Reports).

This video provides an introduction to Turnitin Assignments: how to make a submission, the Similarity Report, and how to access marks and feedback.

You can also use the following links to access specific parts of this video when you need them:

GCU Learn Assignments

Assignments are another GCU Learn tool which may be used for the online submission of assessments.

GCU Learn Assignments may be used for individual, or group assessments and can be used to submit:

  • One or more documents, files or zip folders.
  • GCU Learn Portfolios
  • Audio and/or video

This video provides an introduction to GCU Learn Assignments; how to make a submission, and how to access marks and feedback:

You can also use the following links to access specific parts of this video when you need them:


A wiki is a website that is produced collaboratively by contributors who can create, review, add, update, and edit content. When you are working in a group, you may be asked as a group to produce a wiki for assessment.


A blog is an online journal and contains a number of short pieces around a specific theme.