General tips and advice for work

Organising the workload‌An image of the National Autistic Society (NAS) logo, accredited 2019.

It’s always a good idea to keep yourself organised so that your workload does not pile up. Making ‘to-do’ lists for each day is a good way of sorting out what needs to be done and what tasks you need to prioritise.

There may be days where unexpected tasks can arise, therefore a completed ‘to do’ list will help you structure your working day. Smartsheet has a collection of free downloadable templates you can use to create a structure for your working week. They also have schedule templates and daily to-do list templates which you might find useful for all aspects of being organised. You can access the free templates from Smartsheet. Similarly, Canva ( has customisable templates. Some are free, and some you might need to pay for or have a subscription.

Bullying in the workplace

Bullying in the workplace is something that will not be tolerated. If you think that you are being bullied or are being made to feel uncomfortable, then speaking to your manager about this is the first step. It is your employer’s responsibility to ensure you feel safe in the workplace and so they will listen to your concerns and give you advice on how to resolve any issues. If you feel like you are being bullied then speaking to someone you trust such as a friend or parent is also important so that you have support to deal with the situation.

The National Autistic Society has advice on what to do if you are being bullied in the workplace and guidelines on what to do about bullying.

Reasonable adjustments in the workplace

The Equality Act 2010 states that people with disabilities are entitled to request reasonable adjustments in the workplace. Reasonable adjustments are there to ensure that employees are not disadvantaged or face barriers due to their disability. There are many examples of reasonable adjustments such as being granted extra time for deadlines, and providing extra equipment like a ramp for wheelchair users and so on.

If you feel that you would benefit from a reasonable adjustment, you can organise a meeting with your manager where you can discuss the situation with them and the areas you feel your employer could support you with. You can find Acas recommendations on reasonable adjustments in the workplace and examples of the different types of adjustments which can be made.