Academic Disability Coordinators

Each academic department at Glasgow Caledonian has a lecturer who has additional responsibilities as the nominated Academic Disability Coordinator (ADC). The ADCs work in partnership with the Disability Service to enhance and champion disability-inclusive practice. They also provide guidance and oversight within their academic department in relation to the implementation of arrangements for disabled students, and contribute to improved visibility of support for disabled students.

For students, an ADC might help your Disability Adviser to identify the most appropriate reasonable adjustments to teaching and assessment methods, where your needs – or the course delivery methods – are more complex.

Your ADC may also be a useful contact if, for instance, you are concerned that the recommended adjustments in your RAP are not being fully implemented.

Academic department


Applied Computer Gaming

Alan Jack

Applied Science including Forensic Investigation

David Philips

Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Joyce Nicol

Business and Management

Thelma Okey Adibe

Civil Engineering and Environmental Management

Sennan Mattar


Mario Mata

Construction and Surveying

Sennan Mattar

Cyber Security and Networks

Salaheddin Hosseinzadeh

Economics and Law

Eleanor Russell

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Shahab Farokhi

Fashion Marketing, Tourism and Events

Jaeyeon Choe

Finance, Accounting and Risk

M Shahid Nawaz

Graduate School

Stephanie Zihms


Orla McVicar

Media and Journalism

Julian Calvert

Mechanical Engineering

Richard Danyi

Nursing and Community Health

Martin Murchie

Occupational Therapy and Dietetics, Human Nutrition

Chris McMahon

Physiotherapy and Paramedicine

Janet Bonn

Podiatry and Radiography

Louise McKendrick


Rachel Mulholland

Social Sciences

James Foley

Social Work

David McKendrick

Vision Sciences

Lynne Watson