Guide to inclusive field trips

GCU is committed to the development of learning opportunities that are inclusive by design and that do not discriminate against disabled learners. Many of the approaches that will benefit disabled students will be helpful to all students and should be adopted within an inclusive teaching framework.

Listed below are some useful tips to help you plan an accessible field trip for all your students.

General good practice

Student Participation Agreement

Below are some suggested questions to include in any Student Participation Agreement you provide in advance of the trip:


Do you have a RAP (Recommended Adjustments Page)?  Yes/No/Don’t know *Delete as appropriate

Additional Support Requirements

Do you have a long etrm medical condition or impairment that may require additional support or adjustments in relation to this field trip? Yes/No/Don’t Know *Delete as appropriate

If you answered Yes or Don’t know, please give details:

Medical information

Have you any condition that requires medical attention or medication such as asthma, epilepsy, or diabetes?  Yes/No *Delete as appropriate

If yes, please give details