Student pregnancy, maternity and childcare

Glasgow Caledonian is committed to supporting families through their studies with us. We have created a Student Pregnancy and Maternity Policy to allow appropriate support to be put in place.

Information about your pregnancy will be treated sensitively and will be shared only on a need-to-know basis and with your consent. Glasgow Caledonian members of staff will provide you with relevant information to enable you to make informed decisions and will not attempt to unduly influence your decisions with regard to your pregnancy or studies.

We will work with you to develop and deliver a pregnancy support plan to ensure arrangements are made and your needs are met during your pregnancy, following the birth, and when you return to study.

You are encouraged to inform your academic adviser or Programme Leader, or in the case of research degree students, supervisor, of your pregnancy as early as you can to allow us to support you in the best way possible. You are under no obligation to do so, but do bear in mind that we cannot assist you with your learning, access and assessment arrangements if we do not know.

Following that initial meeting, further meetings will be arranged at relevant points throughout your pregnancy to ensure that the support in place is sufficient and that any maternity-related illnesses or complications that might develop are taken into account. Support plans will need to be reviewed prior to assessments/examinations, a placement or study abroad period and prior to your return to study.

For more information, please visit family responsibilities


Support at GCU