Programme for Researcher Development, Leadership and Learning
Glasgow Caledonian mid-career researcher development programme
The University is committed to identifying, investing in and developing the careers of its high-performing researchers. A gap in researcher development opportunities around mid-career has been acknowledged across the sector (Flinders 2023), and within Glasgow Caledonian University (via consultation with ADRs, mid-career researchers, Graduate School, RIO, Organisational Development and the University Executive Group).
The PROPEL programme is designed to support mid-career researchers as they move from independent researcher with experience of leading small projects towards leading larger or more complex projects which require a range of additional knowledge and skills including building innovative collaborations.
The programme will develop participants’ leadership skills and enhance their understanding of the University’s research ecosystem. Through a series of six in-person workshops, participants will develop the tools and insights to enhance their strategic thinking, skills, and awareness of the wider institutional and policy landscape, enabling them to make a significant contribution to achieving the University’s research strategic goals and aspirations.
By the end of the programme, participants will have produced a concrete, actionable project proposal that aligns personal research ambitions with broader University goals. This will mark a ‘step change’ in research careers, and will be an ambitious goal - for example from smaller grants to a larger one; or from Co-Investigator to Principal Investigator; and likely targeting a more competitive funder.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the programme participants will have reflected on, developed strategies to, and taken concrete steps to:
- Navigate the transition from independent researcher to research leader
- Develop awareness of their leadership style and its impact on others
- Create inclusive and supportive research environments and foster future leadership potential within teams
- Create and nurture innovative collaborative networks across institutional and disciplinary boundaries
- Develop understanding of institutional strategic priorities and the Higher Education funding landscape – and their ‘place in it’ as future research leaders
- Effectively communicate research and its significance with a view to influencing different audiences
- Develop and increase confidence, technique and influence to successfully lead longer, larger research projects in line with the University’s strategic research aspirations. (Note: participants must commit to producing a proposal for a larger research grant as part of the programme).
The programme
Programme eligibility
This programme is aimed at mid-career researchers with evidence of research achievements: some previous grant success, either as co-investigator, work-package leader, or principal investigator on small grants. We recognise that the definition of smaller and larger grants will vary by school and across disciplines.
There is no standard definition of mid-career researcher and we recognise that research careers are diverse and trajectories may be affected by teaching and caring responsibilities. The programme is most likely to be relevant for those ready to make the transition to Senior Research Leader. Track record and excellence in research will not be assessed on grade of appointment but on research achievements in terms of grant capture, peer-reviewed publications, and evidence of leadership.
- You must have led (PI) smaller external research grant and/or have been Co-investigator (CI) or named work package lead on larger grant, and planning to lead a larger grant.
- You must have evidence of a high level of achievement in research career (via CV)
- You must commit to attending and participating fully in each session of the programme.
Application process
You must submit the information below to by Monday, 24 February 2025 12pm (noon)
Application process
If you have any questions about the GCU PROPEL programme, please contact