Academic journal articles
Fedeli, G., (2017) 'ICTs, disruptive forces and the production paradox in tourism: Present and future issues in the Visitor Attraction sector' Digital World Collection of Mediterranean Journal of Communication, 10 (1) pp. 113-121
Lennon, J. J., (2016) with T Peschken, P Shukla, S Rate 'The role of Information Alignment and Entrepreneurial traits on SME Internationalization: A Conceptual Framework in Management Research Review', (accepted for publication)
Lennon, J., (2009) 'Tragedy and Heritage in Peril : The Case of Cambodia' in Tourism Recreational Research (Vol 3 No 2 pp 116-123)
Lennon, J. J. & Yeoman. I., (2007) Drivers and Scenarios of Scottish Tourism: Shaping the future to 2015. Tourism Recreational Research, 32 (1) pp. 68-82.
Wight, A. C. & Lennon, J.J., (2007) Selective Interpretation and Eclectic Human Heritage in Lithuania. Tourism Management , 28(2) pp.519-529.
Yeoman, I., Lennon, J. J., Adam, B., Galt, M., Greenwood, C. & McMahon Beattie, U. (2007) Oil Depletion: What does this mean for Scottish Tourism?.Tourism Management, 28 (5), pp. 1354-1365.
Lennon, J. J. Durbarry, Ramesh, J. L. Martin, E. & Gooroochurn, N., (2005) Integrating Forecasting and CGE Models : The Case of Tourism in Scotland. Tourism Management, 27(2) pp.292-305.
Lennon, J. Yeoman, I. & Black, L., (2005) Foot- and-mouth disease – A scenario of reoccurrence for Scotland’s Tourism Industry. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 11(2) pp.179-190.
Wight, A. C. (2005) Philosophical and Methodological Praxes in Dark Tourism: Controversy, Contention and the Evolving Paradigm. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 12(2) pp. 119-129.
Graham, M. & Bereziat, C., (2004) Measuring Performance: The Case of the Scottish Museum and Gallery Sector pp.57-73. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism pp.179-190
Graham, M. & Lennon, J,.J., (2004) The Dilemma of operating a strategic approach to human resource management in the Scottish Visitor Attraction Sector in Human Resource Management International Digest Vol. 14(5) in 2002.
Lennon, J. J. & Smith, H., (2004) A Tale of Two Camps: Contrasting Approaches to Interpretation and Commemoration in the Sites of Terezin and Lety, Czech Republic. Tourism Recreation Research, 29(1) pp.15-25.
Lennon, J.J., (2004) Revenue management and customer forecasts: A bridge too far for the UK visitor attractions sector? Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2(4) Pp.338-352.
Wight, A. C. & Lennon, J. J., (2004) Towards an Understanding of Visitor Perceptions of ‘Dark’ Attractions: The Case of the Imperial War Museum of the North Manchester. Tourism and Hospitality Management, Pp.105-122.
Lennon, J. J. & Graham, M., (2002) The Dilemma of Operating a Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management in the Scottish Visitor Attraction Sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospital Management (Special Edition), 14(5) pp.213-220.
Lennon, J. J. & Graham, M., (2001) Commercial Development and Competitive Environments: The Museum Sector in Scotland. International Journal of Tourism Research, 3(4) pp.1-17.
Lennon, J. J., (2001) Distortion in Heritage: From slave labour to extermination -The Case of Auschwitz KZ, Poland. Special Online Edition International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration.
Lennon, J. J. & Graham, M., (2001) Prognostication of the Scottish Culture and Heritage Sector's Skill Profile in Museum. Management and Curatorship, 19(2) pp.121-139.