Visitor Attraction Barometer
The Moffat Centre works with around 600 attractions across Scotland each month to gather key visitor data. The Moffat Barometer map trends, visitor numbers, and other key variables. The report is one of the earliest indicators of tourism performance in Scotland with only one month data turnaround.
The monthly Barometer data includes current trend data allowing participants an opportunity to benchmark their own performance against businesses in a similar sector; former VS region, Local Authority area, Quality Assurance grading and geographical location, as well as nationally.
Inform your plans
The information gained from the VAB is ideal for local organisations and attractions to develop business plans, grant and funding applications and offers a unique insight into competitors’ performances at a local level. Attractions and organisations that participate in the project can access data from zero cost to the organisation.
To find out more about participation, please contact Hugh (Shug) Sheridan

Read a sample report
See how our Visitor Attraction Barometer can help your organisation.
2014 VAB Report