Brian Smith is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management at Glasgow Caledonian.
Specialising in work-based learning, Graduate Apprenticeships and Marketing, Brian teaches business disciplines in areas such as Personal and Professional Development and Social Marketing to mainly work-based students. He is Programme Leader for the Chartered Institution of Railway Operators (CIRO) Railway Operations Management programme in the UK and Ireland.
Brian has a master's degree in Marketing from the University of South Wales and read Business Studies at the University of Ulster before embarking on a commercial career in marketing and business management spanning some 27 years, reaching senior management level before entering academia at Glasgow Caledonian in 2014.
His combination of commercial experience and academic specialisms provides an ideal foundation for teaching work-based learners and developing work-based programmes.
He is also a pioneer in the integration of Meta-skills into academic programmes, and developed the first Meta-skill focused SCQF Level 5 qualification for use in schools in 2021.
Brian keeps his commercial acumen and knowledge current through regular CPD. He is a Member of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Chartered Manager.
Brian’s main academic specialism is in Social Marketing and Behavioural Economics. This uses the tools of Marketing and Behavioural Economics for social good. Brian developed the first modules in Social Marketing to be taught at GCU at both degree and master's level. He currently works with the Yunus Centre at GCU to teach this module to students taking a master's in Social Innovation.
Brian is also a researcher into work-based learning and Graduate Apprenticeships; most recently leading a GCU-funded research project into the future needs of Graduate Apprenticeships and the impact of those needs on the university.
Brian sits on the university Senate and is a Disability Co-Ordinator. He is a Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy and a Fellowship reviewer. He is a previous winner of the GCU Student Association Teaching Awards for Creative Curriculum Design.