Dalglish, Colin Photo

Colin Dalglish

Technical Officer


Colin joined GCU in 1995 after completing an electro-optical apprenticeship and working as a planning engineer for Barr & Stroud. Prior to joining the school he studied at Glasgow Caledonian, receiving a BSc in Applied Physics. As a Technical Officer, Colin is involved in the use of thermo-imaging, fire experimentation and acoustics technology. In addition to this, he was recently involved in waste water sampling for the PILLS project, a European research project, and another international project, BATFarm, and is currently involved in the NoPILLS project, which followed on from the original PILLS project.

Colin takes part in numerous cultural and sports and activities. He is scuba diver and has qualified as a PADI Divemaster, practices Shotokai karate and is currently a brown belt, and regularly runs and cycles