Daniel Gallacher
Lay Governor
The majority of Danny’s career has been in telecommunications, initially at BT and then as Head of Division and Director roles at ntl: and Virgin Media, roles in which he was able to put the MBA he gained at GCU to good use.
A change of direction has seen Danny take on several Chief Officer posts at the City of Edinburgh Council including Head of Revenues and Benefits, Customer Services and ICT in the capital. Danny’s team were responsible for the collection of Council Tax and Business Rates and also the administration of Housing Benefit and Welfare Reform in the city and managed financial transactions of over £1bn annually. Danny played a lead role in the Council’s Digital Transformation Programme and led the Council team which completed a major procurement of the Council’s ICT services. Whilst in Edinburgh, Danny gained an MSc from Edinburgh Napier University in Public Service Leadership.
Danny is currently Chief Executive of SEEMiS Group LLP, a company formed by, and owned by all 32 Local Authorities, to provide the Education MIS that is used in all of Scotland’s Local Authority Schools as well as some 2,000 nurseries.
A Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Chartered Manager, Danny has close family links with the University and feels very privileged to be able to participate in helping GCU continue to progress, enhance its reputation internationally and realise its mission of being the University for the Common Good. He is especially keen to encourage young people from all backgrounds develop and fully achieve their potential and to see GCU graduates go on to make a vital contribution to their communities and wider society.
In his free time Danny enjoys hill walking, mountain biking, reading and photography.