David Halliday
Professional and Support Staff Governor
David joined Glasgow Caledonian University in 2017 in the post of Security Manager and presents significant senior leadership experience developed during his career in policing where he held a number of strategic roles both operational and corporate, latterly performing a key role in the organisational change programme in the creation of the single Police Service of Scotland where he held the rank of Detective Superintendent.
Strategically, he presents a portfolio of evidence of collaborative working and served as Chair of the South West Scotland Criminal Justice Authority – Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Strategic Oversight Group working with partner Heads of Service from respective Local Authorities. As a Senior Investigating Officer, he has significant experience of Critical Incident Management and Business Continuity Planning.
Throughout his career as a senior leader, he has served local communities to collaboratively deliver positive outcomes in the promotion of the safety and wellbeing of others whilst challenging social inequality. He is passionate about public service and, as Security Manager, is committed to enhancing the staff and student experience across the University Campus’ of Glasgow, London and New York; managing and mitigating local, national and international risks whilst embracing diversity.
Recognising people as our most valuable asset, he has developed a professional reputation for his inclusive style of visible leadership and emotional intelligence, personally driving a culture of ‘leadership through empowerment’; encouraging collaboration and delivering trust and confidence through legitimacy and transparency of action.