Fiona Coupar

Dr Fiona Coupar

Lecturer in Occupational Therapy

Department of Occupational Therapy, and Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Fiona qualified as an Occupational Therapist from Queen Margaret University in 2000. Initially Fiona worked in NHS acute and rehabilitation services before being seconded into a research assistant post with the Stroke Therapy Evaluation Project. Fiona then went on to undertake her PhD, funded through a Chief Scientist Office fellowship, on “Upper Limb interventions after stroke.” Fiona continues to have research interests in the area of stroke and systematic reviews.

Fiona joined the Occupational Therapy team at GCU as a lecturer in 2014. Within the Department of Occupational Therapy, Human Nutrition and Dietetics Fiona is the Common Good lead and Academic Disability Coordinator.  Fiona is also level 4 coordinator for the Bsc (Hons) programme. Fiona has experience of teaching across undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD supervision. Fiona’s teaching interests lie in research methods and evidence based practice and impact of conditions on occupational performance.

Fiona is also passionate about student development and engagement. Fiona was successful in winning the GCU Students’ Association for Teaching Awards 2018-19 for “Terrific Teaching” and “Inspirational Individual” and in 2019-20 won the award for “Fantastic Feedback” and also received nominations in “Terrific Teaching”, “Super Support” and “Creative Curriculum”.
