Jacqui Reilly staff portrait 2025

Professor Jacqui Reilly

Professor of Infection Prevention and Control

Department of Nursing and Community Health

Professor Jacqui Reilly has a joint appointment between the NHS and GCU. She leads a team of researchers in GCU working on healthcare associated infection (HAI). In the NHS she works for NHS National Service Scotland where she is Director of Nursing and Executive lead for AHPs, Quality and Healthcare Associated Infection.

Jacqui started her career in clinical practice in 1988 and worked in various settings including care homes, ICU and surgical. She then specialised in infection control surveillance before moving to the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH) in 2001 to develop the national programme of HAI surveillance in Scotland. She became a Consultant Epidemiologist in 2004 and then Head of Group for HAI in Health Protection Scotland in 2006. In 2010 she has become Lead Consultant in what is now known as the Public Health and Intelligence Service of National Services Scotland (NSS) alongside this clinical leadership role in Public Health at the national level, she continued to work in Health Protection Scotland where she was Lead Consultant for HAI, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and infection control.

She has had a clinical academic research career since 1996 when she started her PhD in the epidemiology of HAI. She has a PgC in Teaching and is a registered lecturer practice educator and initially her joint appointment with GCU was as a lecturer, and then senior lecturer, leading post graduate specialist practice and masters level modules on clinical effectiveness and quality improvement. She became a professor in 2010 and since then her joint appointment has focussed on research at GCU. She is a fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and of the Royal Society of Biology.