Professor Joanna Lumsden

Professor Joanna (Jo) Lumsden


School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment

Prior to moving to Glasgow Caledonian University, Professor Joanna (Jo) Lumsden was Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Integrity) and Head of Department (Computer Science/Software Engineering and Cybersecurity) at Aston University in Birmingham.

Before that, Jo was a researcher with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) after completing a number of research/post-doctoral positions at the University of Glasgow. She also held an Adjunct Professorship with the University of New Brunswick in Canada for many years.

Jo has extensive experience of leading large teams of academics, teaching fellows, researchers, and support staff, and delivering strategic department, school/college, and university-wide leadership.

Jo obtained her BSc in Software Engineering (Hons) from the University of Glasgow, where she also later achieved her PhD in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Her teaching, research interests and expertise are in HCI, especially mobile HCI, and associated evaluation techniques.

Jo has designed and led two state-of-the-art HCI labs and has experience delivering HCI-based training and consultancy to a range of stakeholders. Jo typically applies her research expertise in multidisciplinary research projects, with particular focus on user-centred design and development of mobile assistive technologies which enhance the quality of life of those with special, typically healthcare-related, needs and the use of multimodal input/output for use of technology in complex settings. Jo’s multidisciplinary research brings together technologists, domain experts, and most importantly end users, to co-design technology, empowering end users to ensure their needs are met via the introduction of technology – aligning with the University’s mission ‘For the Common Good’.

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out