Norman Peng profile 2025

Professor Norman Peng

Professor of Marketing

Department of Fashion, Marketing, Tourism and Events

Norman received his PhD in Management from Royal Holloway, University of London. He has published more than 40 journal articles in top marketing and tourism journals, such as the European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Annals of Tourism Research, and International Journal of Hospitality Management. He is the associate editor for Event Management (ABS) and Eurasian Business Review (SSCI, ABS),

Norman’s expertise is within the fields of service marketing, consumer behaviour (luxury products/brands), and digital marketing. He leads a number of research teams with scholars from the UK and abroad. Some of his projects have been funded by the British Academy and Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan). He was interviewed by the BBC and That’s Manchester.

Prior to joining GCU, Norman was the University of Westminster’s PhD programme director. He has supervised several research students to completion. He is willing to consider supervising research topics in the following fields: digital marketing, luxury product consumption, and tourism/hospitality marketing. The applicants should have some knowledge in quantitative research software, such as SPSS and AMOS.