As a working professional, enhance your qualifications and knowledge and support your career growth to become a civil engineer.
The career of a contemporary civil engineer in 2020 includes challenges ranging adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change, managing the needs of a growing population, complying with ever more stringent environmental standards, maintaining ageing infrastructure and meeting the requirements of a low carbon economy. The purpose of GCU’s BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering (Environmental Civil Engineering) Graduate Apprenticeship is to produce multi-disciplinary graduates with the skills and knowledge required to be successful in all of the aforementioned areas of the civil engineering profession, either as a designer, contractor, consultant or water professional.
This Graduate Apprenticeship course will develop your skills and experience in the civil engineering disciplines of structures, construction materials, geotechnics and water resource management and has been developed in partnership with employers to ensure it meets contemporary industry needs. GCU’s highly applied approach to the design and delivery of industry-focused work-based programmes ensures that apprentices and employers benefit from a real-time optimisation of academic learning at work. GCU’s graduates are known for their employability and readiness: this course is suited to candidates working in a civil engineering role with the enthusiasm to advance their career through a work-based programme with access to professional qualifications. Additionally, you will benefit from learning related to the University’s common good principles and values which in a civil engineering context relate specifically to environmental sustainability,
Upon graduation, you will be eligible to apply for the qualification of IEng with the qualifying bodies that make up the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM – ICE, IStructE, IHE and IHT).
If you are reading this as an employer, Graduate Apprenticeships may be used for the dual purposes of workforce development (early career) as well as up-skilling and reskilling needs of more experienced middle and senior employees seeking to catch up on academic and professional qualifications.
All Apprenticeships are fully-funded by the Scottish Funding Council. Applicants will also need to complete a SAAS Graduate Apprenticeship application form. The course team will review the skills, knowledge, academic qualifications and experience of all applicants, which will all be used to inform the level of the apprenticeship candidates will begin their education.
What you
will study