The modern paramedic treats and cares for people locally, or in their homes, to assist in reducing avoidable hospital admissions, as well as for emergency situations. Throughout this challenging and exciting course you will learn alongside other healthcare practitioners reflecting the collaborative nature of working in a modern healthcare system.
The BSc Paramedic Science course has trail blazed the academic route to Paramedic Registration in Scotland. The programme is the first in Scotland to achieve endorsement from the College of Paramedics, therefore students can be assured that the course meets the current industry curriculum standards and delivers developmental education for the paramedic profession.
The spiral curriculum at GCU blends successful traditional vocational strategies, with a focus on critical thinking, inter-professional learning, leadership, and research. The programme is innovative, rapidly evolving and enjoys a depth of dynamic paramedic leadership. The variety of healthcare placements learners may attend is expanding through developing partnerships with a variety of trusts and government agencies. This includes the development of international elective placements for students to experience a global perspective on healthcare practice.
Learners on this course have an excellent chance to become well-rounded clinicians, equipped to face the challenging and rapidly evolving professional role.
Your career
Successfully completing this course will enable you to apply to Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) for registration as a paramedic. The majority of paramedics find employment within a UK ambulance service and there are increasing opportunities for graduates to work in a range of health and social care settings.
There is work available in private ambulance companies, offshore companies and other various NHS and private areas. However, the majority of newly qualified paramedics will look to consolidate their learning and experience in an ambulance service trust for one to two years before pursuing promotions or other career avenues.
There is a significant need across the UK for paramedics and we continue to build on our close links with local and national employers to assist our graduates to gain employment following completion of their studies
All UK ambulance service trusts offer a form of Newly Qualified Paramedic programme to assist new paramedics transitioning from education into the fully registered role.
This course is currently closed to Home applicants for September 2025 entry. Applications remain open for students from the Rest of the UK and International.
What you
will study

100% of graduates from this course are in employment/further study 15 months after graduating (HESA, 2024)