Part-time study

Career-boosting, life-enhancing learning

At Glasgow Caledonian University, we believe that university is for everyone. But we also know that for many of us, full-time study isn't a practical option.

That's why we offer flexible, part-time courses with a wide range of funding options to help you achieve your goals.

Part-time study at Glasgow Caledonian University lets you boost your career and earning potential while maintaining an income. Our single-site campuses in Glasgow and London welcome around 4,000 part-time students each year and host a range of part-time courses and learning options from our convenient city-centre locations.

We also provide work-based learning to allow you to study as part of your current job.

Join our community of part-time students

At GCU we encourage a range of approaches to study and are proud of the sense of community within our student body.

A GCU London student on the rooftop of the London campus, in March 2020

Part-time at our London campus

Part-time students at GCU London benefit from all the great facilities, support and opportunities that we have to offer at our central city campus.

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More resources

Scholarships and funding

Discover a range of financial help available to students, including funded scholarships, bursaries, tuition fee reductions and loyalty rewards.

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How to apply

Everything you need to apply to our part-time courses.

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Student support

Glasgow Caledonian University takes great pride in providing exceptional student support. We offer a full range of services to help make your time at GCU a success.

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504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out