Speak to a UK advisor

Our team offers general Higher Education guidance as well as specific information about GCU to school pupils and college students. This is delivered in a number of ways, including presentations, open days, career events, and conventions.

The team delivers a wide range of presentations including:

  • Introduction to Higher Education
  • GCU programmes and facilities
  • UCAS application process
  • Student lifestyle
  • Finance and funding

If you would like us to come and give a talk at your school, we would be happy to arrange this with you.

We hold a number of open days throughout the year, where students can meet University staff and view our unique range of facilities.‌

We also produce a variety of publications including a Guidance magazine for careers staff, college student guide, parents’ guide to Higher Education and fees, and funding guide for students from England, Northern Ireland, and Wales, among others.

Contact us

For any enquiries about any aspect of our service we provide or how we can support you please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tel: +44 141 331 8681 Email: ukroenquiries@gcu.ac.uk

How to apply

We believe that education is for everyone; there is more than one path to GCU, find out about how to apply and what paths you can take to university.

Learn more

Open Days

Visit us to explore our campus, courses, and facilities, and to experience life at GCU firsthand during our university open days. Connect with peers, take a campus and accommodation tour, and gain insights from our staff and students about studying with us.

Learn more

College students

Our College Connect team are here to support your transition from college to GCU.

Learn more