Terms and conditions

The Student Terms and Conditions can be found on the University website. They set out your rights and responsibilities, as well as ours to you.

They should be read prior to application. Some key topics that you should understand are addressed below and cover changes to programmes and assessment.

International applicants and visas

International applicants must additionally read the supplementary International Student Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions set out your responsibilities towards Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) to ensure compliance with the UK Government’s Home Office visa regulations. It is essential that you comply with these obligations to enable us to maintain our registration as a Home Office highly trusted sponsor of student visas and to enable you to obtain and retain a visa.

Changes to programmes and programme content changes that may occur

The University will use all reasonable endeavours to provide programmes of study listed in the prospectus and website, and deliver them in accordance with the descriptions of programmes set out. However the University is committed to ensuring that programmes remain up-to-date and relevant, and it reserves the right to discontinue, merge or combine programmes and to make variations to the content or method of delivery of programmes, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary by the University.

This, combined with the need to publish the prospectus well in advance, means that changes to the information presented in the prospectus may have occurred.

Intending applicants are advised to check the course listing on the website or contact studentenquiries@gcu.ac.uk for up-to-date information before applying.

If we make changes

The University will inform applicants, and those holding and offer, of changes to programmes and programme content. If, after an application for a programme has been accepted, the programme has been substantially varied from that described in the prospectus, the applicant is entitled to withdraw from that programme prior to registration. In the event of such withdrawal a refund of any programme fee paid by the applicant to the University will be made. If the University discontinues any programme for which an individual has applied, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative programme. Once students have embarked on a course of study, any prospective substantial change will be managed in such a way as to eliminate or substantially mitigate any material impact on them.

Factors outside the control of the University

If the University is unable to deliver services to students (including tuition, examinations and other forms of assessment)  because of factors which could reasonably be considered to be outside the control of the University (such as staff illness, labour disputes, industrial action, governmental action, civil commotion, severe weather or concerns regarding the transmission of serious illness), the University will take all such steps, as it reasonably can, to minimise any disruption to students’ studies.

The University will not, however, be liable for any loss which is suffered in such circumstances.

Module options

The University aims to offer students choice and flexibility of study within the relevant regulations. However, while every student will be able to take appropriate modules in the programme for which he/she is registered, we cannot guarantee that all module options will always be available to students who are qualified to take them. This may be because options offered are subject to a minimum level of demand, or, exceptionally, staff availability has changed. We will notify students if this is the case in sufficient time to allow consideration of other module options.

Changes to the University Assessment Regulations

The University reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the regulations where in the opinion of the University those changes will assist in the proper delivery of education. The University will normally maintain the Assessment Regulations for students within an academic session. However, the University reserves the right to introduce changes during the academic session when it reasonably considers those changes are: either,

  • for the maintenance of academic standards; or
  • required to secure the University’s good operation and legal or regulatory compliance.

Appropriate prior notice of changes will be given.

University Regulations and Policies

The University operates in line with a set of regulations, policies and procedures. Those of particular relevance to the student community can be found on the University website.

How to apply

We believe that education is for everyone; there is more than one path to GCU, find out about how to apply and what paths you can take to university.

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Undergraduate fees and funding

We are committed to providing high-quality education to all of our students at an affordable price. We also offer a scholarship package of more than £2 million per year. Our dedicated team and online resources are on hand to help you manage your finances.

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Student life

We know student life is about much more than getting an education. We're here to offer the best years of your life, building your confidence, fulfilling your potential and just being yourself.

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If joining GCU means living away from home, you can apply for a place in our on-campus residences or rent accommodation in Glasgow from a private landlord.

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Open Days

Visit us to explore our campus, courses, and facilities, and to experience life at GCU firsthand during our university open days. Connect with peers, take a campus and accommodation tour, and gain insights from our staff and students about studying with us.

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